Specify Network for Build Image in GitLab CI/CD: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Ysabell - hkhazo.biz.id

Specify Network for Build Image in GitLab CI/CD: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with network connectivity issues in your GitLab CI/CD pipelines? Do you struggle to configure your build image to access the right network? You’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of GitLab CI/CD and explore how to specify a network for your build image using the `gitlab-ci.yml` file.

What is GitLab CI/CD?

GitLab CI/CD is a powerful tool that allows you to automate your software development lifecycle. It provides a robust framework for building, testing, and deploying your code. With GitLab CI/CD, you can create custom pipelines that integrate with your Git repository, ensuring that your code is consistently tested and validated.

Why Specify a Network for Build Image?

When building your application, you need to ensure that your build image has access to the required network resources. This might include databases, APIs, or other services that your application relies on. Without specifying a network, your build image might fail to connect to these resources, leading to pipeline failures and headaches.

By specifying a network for your build image, you can control which network resources are available to your build process. This ensures that your pipeline runs consistently and reliably, even in complex network environments.

Configuring Network Settings in `gitlab-ci.yml`

To specify a network for your build image, you’ll need to modify your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file. This file contains the configuration settings for your GitLab CI/CD pipeline.

Let’s take a look at an example `gitlab-ci.yml` file:

image: docker:latest

  - build

  NETWORK_MODE: "bridge"

  stage: build
    - docker build -t my-app .
    mode: ${NETWORK_MODE}

In this example, we’re using the `docker:latest` image as our build environment. We’ve also defined a `NETWORK_MODE` variable, which we’ll use to specify the network mode for our build process.

The `build` stage is where the magic happens. We’re running a `docker build` command to build our application, and we’re using the `network` keyword to specify the network settings.

In this case, we’re using the `bridge` network mode, which allows our build process to access the host machine’s network resources. You can change this to `host` or `none` depending on your specific requirements.

Understanding Network Modes

GitLab CI/CD provides three network modes for your build image:

  • Bridge: This mode creates a new network stack for your build process, allowing it to access the host machine’s network resources. This is the default mode.
  • Host: This mode uses the host machine’s network stack, allowing your build process to access the same network resources as the host machine.
  • None: This mode disables networking for your build process, which can be useful for testing or building isolated environments.

Choose the network mode that best suits your pipeline requirements.

Specifying a Custom Network

What if you need to specify a custom network for your build image? Perhaps you have a complex network environment with multiple subnets or VLANs.

You can specify a custom network using the `networks` keyword in your `gitlab-ci.yml` file:

image: docker:latest

  - build

  stage: build
    - docker build -t my-app .
    name: custom-network
      - my-app-net
      driver: default
        - subnet:

In this example, we’re defining a custom network named `custom-network` with an alias `my-app-net`. We’re also specifying the IP address range and gateway for our custom network.

This allows you to create a custom network environment for your build process, giving you fine-grained control over network access and configuration.

Troubleshooting Network Issues

Even with careful configuration, network issues can still occur. Here are some common troubleshooting steps to help you resolve network-related problems:

  1. Check your network configuration: Verify that your `gitlab-ci.yml` file is correctly configured, and that you’ve specified the right network mode and settings.
  2. Inspect your build logs: Review your build logs to identify any error messages or network-related issues.
  3. Check your Docker configuration: Ensure that your Docker environment is correctly configured, and that you’ve enabled networking for your build process.
  4. Test your network connectivity: Use tools like `ping` or `curl` to test network connectivity from within your build environment.

By following these steps, you can quickly identify and resolve network issues, ensuring that your pipeline runs smoothly and efficiently.


Specifying a network for your build image in GitLab CI/CD is a crucial step in ensuring that your pipeline runs reliably and consistently. By understanding the different network modes and configuration options, you can tailor your pipeline to meet your specific requirements.

Remember to troubleshoot network issues promptly, and don’t hesitate to reach out to the GitLab community for support. With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to build robust and efficient pipelines that meet your software development needs.

Network Mode Description
Bridge Creates a new network stack for the build process
Host Uses the host machine’s network stack
None Disables networking for the build process

We hope you found this article informative and helpful. Happy building!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with specifying the network for your build image in GitLab’s `.gitlab-ci.yml` file? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you out:

Q1: How do I specify the network mode for my build image in `.gitlab-ci.yml`?

You can specify the network mode using the `network` keyword in your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file. For example: `docker image`: `–network=host` to use the host’s network stack.

Q2: Can I use a different network mode for each job in my `.gitlab-ci.yml` file?

Yes, you can specify a different network mode for each job by adding the `network` keyword to each job definition. For example: `job1: –network=host` and `job2: –network=bridge`.

Q3: What is the default network mode for build images in `.gitlab-ci.yml`?

The default network mode is `bridge`, which creates a new network stack for each container.

Q4: Can I use the `network` keyword with other Docker commands in my `.gitlab-ci.yml` file?

Yes, you can use the `network` keyword with other Docker commands, such as `docker run` or `docker compose`, to specify the network mode for your containers.

Q5: Are there any limitations to using the `network` keyword in my `.gitlab-ci.yml` file?

Yes, there are some limitations to using the `network` keyword. For example, it only works with Docker 17.06 or later, and it may not work with some network plugins or configurations.

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