Assign Different Permissions to Multiple Users Having Same Role in C#, Boilerplate
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Assign Different Permissions to Multiple Users Having Same Role in C#, Boilerplate

Posted on Boilerplate is a popular framework for building scalable and maintainable applications. One of the key features of Boilerplate is its robust authorization system, which allows developers to assign permissions to users based on their roles. However, in complex applications, it’s often necessary to assign different permissions to multiple users having the same role. In this article, we’ll explore how to achieve this in C# and Boilerplate.

Understanding the Problem

In a typical Boilerplate application, users are assigned to roles, and roles are assigned permissions. This is a straightforward approach, but it can become limiting when you need to assign different permissions to users who share the same role. For example, consider a scenario where you have multiple managers in an organization, and they all belong to the “Manager” role. However, each manager has different responsibilities and requires different permissions. Using the traditional role-based approach, you would need to create multiple roles, each with its own set of permissions, which can quickly become cumbersome.

The Solution: Custom Permissions

To assign different permissions to multiple users having the same role, we’ll use Boilerplate’s custom permission feature. Custom permissions allow you to create fine-grained permissions that can be assigned to individual users, regardless of their role.

Step 1: Create a Custom Permission

In Boilerplate, custom permissions are defined as strings. To create a custom permission, simply add a new string to the `PermissionNames` class:

public class PermissionNames
    public const string CreateOrders = "CreateOrders";
    public const string ManageUsers = "ManageUsers";
    public const string ViewReports = "ViewReports";
    // Add a new custom permission
    public const string ApproveInvoices = "ApproveInvoices";

Step 2: Assign the Custom Permission to a User

Once you’ve defined the custom permission, you can assign it to a user using the `IPermissionManager` interface:

public class UserManager : UserManager<User>
    public UserManager(UserStore<User> store) : base(store)

    public async Task AssignPermissionToUserAsync(User user, string permissionName)
        await UserManager.SetPermissionAsync(user, permissionName, true);

In this example, we’ve created a custom `UserManager` class that inherits from Boilerplate’s `UserManager` class. The `AssignPermissionToUserAsync` method takes a `User` object and a `permissionName` string as parameters. It uses the `IPermissionManager` interface to set the permission for the user.

Step 3: Check for the Custom Permission

To check if a user has a custom permission, you can use the `IPermissionManager` interface again:

public class OrderController : Controller
    private readonly IPermissionManager _permissionManager;

    public OrderController(IPermissionManager permissionManager)
        _permissionManager = permissionManager;

    public async Task CreateOrderAsync()
        if (await _permissionManager.HasPermissionAsync(User, PermissionNames.ApproveInvoices))
            // The user has the ApproveInvoices permission
            // Proceed with creating the order
            // The user does not have the ApproveInvoices permission
            // Return an error message or redirect to an unauthorized page

In this example, we’ve created an `OrderController` class that checks if the current user has the `ApproveInvoices` custom permission. If the user has the permission, the controller proceeds with creating the order. Otherwise, it returns an error message or redirects to an unauthorized page.

Using Custom Permissions with Roles

In some cases, you may want to assign custom permissions to users based on their role. For example, you may want to assign the `ApproveInvoices` permission to all users in the “Manager” role, but with different permissions for each manager. To achieve this, you can create a custom `RolePermission` class:

public class RolePermission : IEntity
    public long Id { get; set; }
    public long RoleId { get; set; }
    public string PermissionName { get; set; }

This class represents a many-to-many relationship between roles and permissions. You can then create a repository to manage role permissions:

public class RolePermissionRepository : IRepository<RolePermission, long>
    private readonly IRepository<RolePermission, long> _repository;

    public RolePermissionRepository(IRepository<RolePermission, long> repository)
        _repository = repository;

    public async Task CreateRolePermissionAsync(long roleId, string permissionName)
        var rolePermission = new RolePermission { RoleId = roleId, PermissionName = permissionName };
        await _repository.InsertAsync(rolePermission);

    public async Task DeleteRolePermissionAsync(long roleId, string permissionName)
        var rolePermission = await _repository.GetAsync(rp => rp.RoleId == roleId && rp.PermissionName == permissionName);
        if (rolePermission != null)
            await _repository.DeleteAsync(rolePermission);

This repository provides methods for creating and deleting role permissions.

Assigning Custom Permissions to Roles

To assign custom permissions to roles, you can use the `RolePermissionRepository` class:

public class UserManager : UserManager<User>
    private readonly RolePermissionRepository _rolePermissionRepository;

    public UserManager(UserStore<User> store, RolePermissionRepository rolePermissionRepository) : base(store)
        _rolePermissionRepository = rolePermissionRepository;

    public async Task AssignPermissionToRoleAsync(long roleId, string permissionName)
        await _rolePermissionRepository.CreateRolePermissionAsync(roleId, permissionName);

    public async Task RemovePermissionFromRoleAsync(long roleId, string permissionName)
        await _rolePermissionRepository.DeleteRolePermissionAsync(roleId, permissionName);

In this example, the `UserManager` class uses the `RolePermissionRepository` class to assign and remove custom permissions from roles.


In this article, we’ve explored how to assign different permissions to multiple users having the same role in C# and Boilerplate. By using custom permissions and a custom `RolePermission` class, you can create a fine-grained authorization system that meets the complex requirements of your application. Remember to always follow best practices and security guidelines when implementing authorization in your application.

Tips and Variations

  • Use a separate database table to store custom permissions to improve performance and scalability.
  • Implement a caching mechanism to reduce the number of database queries when checking for custom permissions.
  • Use a more advanced permission management system, such as a hierarchical permission system, to simplify permission management.
  • Integrate with external authentication systems, such as Azure Active Directory, to leverage their built-in permission management features.
Keyword Definition Boilerplate A popular framework for building scalable and maintainable applications.
Custom Permissions Fine-grained permissions that can be assigned to individual users, regardless of their role.
RolePermission A many-to-many relationship between roles and permissions.
IPermissionManager An interface for managing permissions in Boilerplate.

By following the steps and guidelines outlined in this article, you can create a robust and flexible authorization system that meets the complex requirements of your application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the inside scoop on assigning different permissions to multiple users having the same role in C#, ASP.NET Boilerplate!

How can I assign different permissions to multiple users having the same role in ASP.NET Boilerplate?

In ASP.NET Boilerplate, you can achieve this by creating a custom permission provider. This provider will allow you to override the default permission system and assign custom permissions to users, even if they have the same role. You can then use the `IPermissionManager` interface to manage and assign permissions to users.

What is the role of the `IPermissionManager` interface in assigning custom permissions?

The `IPermissionManager` interface is responsible for managing permissions in ASP.NET Boilerplate. It provides methods to check, grant, and revoke permissions for users. By implementing this interface, you can create a custom permission manager that assigns different permissions to users having the same role.

How do I implement a custom permission provider in ASP.NET Boilerplate?

To implement a custom permission provider, you need to create a class that inherits from the `PermissionProvider` class. Override the `GetPermissions` method to return a list of custom permissions for each user. Then, register your custom permission provider in the `Startup.cs` file using the `AddPermissionProvider` method.

Can I use the `UserManager` to assign custom permissions to users?

While you can use the `UserManager` to manage users, it’s not the recommended approach for assigning custom permissions. Instead, use the `IPermissionManager` interface to manage permissions. This ensures that your custom permissions are properly integrated with the ASP.NET Boilerplate permission system.

What are some best practices for managing custom permissions in ASP.NET Boilerplate?

When managing custom permissions, it’s essential to follow best practices such as keeping permission names consistent, using meaningful permission names, and avoiding overlapping permissions. Additionally, always test your custom permissions thoroughly to ensure they work as expected.