Unlocking the Power of NRVO: Enabling Named Return Value Optimization when Forwarding a Function’s Result via Template Function
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Unlocking the Power of NRVO: Enabling Named Return Value Optimization when Forwarding a Function’s Result via Template Function

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As C++ developers, we’re constantly seeking ways to optimize our code for performance, readability, and maintainability. One often overlooked optimization technique is Named Return Value Optimization (NRVO), which can have a significant impact on your application’s performance. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of NRVO, exploring how to enable it when forwarding a function’s result via a template function.

What is Named Return Value Optimization (NRVO)?

Named Return Value Optimization is a compiler optimization technique that eliminates the need for temporary objects when returning objects from functions. In essence, NRVO allows the compiler to construct the return object directly in the caller’s memory, bypassing the creation of a temporary object.

Without NRVO, the compiler would create a temporary object, copy or move the function’s local object into it, and then return the temporary object. This can lead to unnecessary overhead, particularly for large objects.

The Benefits of NRVO

Enabling NRVO can bring several benefits to your code:

  • Performance Boost: By eliminating temporary objects, you can reduce the number of memory allocations and copying, resulting in faster execution times.
  • Code Readability: With NRVO, you can write more concise and expressive code, as you don’t need to worry about temporary objects.
  • Maintainability: NRVO can help reduce code complexity, making it easier to maintain and update your codebase.

The Role of Template Functions in NRVO

Template functions play a crucial role in enabling NRVO when forwarding a function’s result. By using template functions, you can ensure that the return type is correctly deduced, allowing the compiler to apply NRVO.

Consider the following example:

template <typename T>
T forward(T&& t) {
  return std::forward<T>(t);

In this example, the `forward` function is a template function that takes a single argument `t` of type `T`. The function returns the result of applying `std::forward` to `t`. This allows the compiler to correctly deduce the return type, enabling NRVO.

Understanding `std::forward`

`std::forward` is a utility function that helps preserve the value category (lvalue or rvalue) of its argument. This is essential for enabling NRVO, as it allows the compiler to correctly deduce the return type.

When `std::forward` is applied to an lvalue, it returns an lvalue reference. When applied to an rvalue, it returns an rvalue reference. This ensures that the compiler can correctly deduce the return type, enabling NRVO.

Enabling NRVO with Template Functions

To enable NRVO when forwarding a function’s result via a template function, follow these steps:

  1. Use a Template Function: Define a template function that takes a single argument of type `T`. This will allow the compiler to correctly deduce the return type.
  2. Apply `std::forward`: Use `std::forward` to preserve the value category of the argument. This ensures that the compiler can correctly deduce the return type.
  3. Return the Result: Return the result of applying `std::forward` to the argument. This allows the compiler to apply NRVO.

Here’s an example:

template <typename T>
T foo(T&& t) {
  // perform some operations on t
  return std::forward<T>(t);

In this example, the `foo` function is a template function that takes a single argument `t` of type `T`. The function performs some operations on `t` and then returns the result of applying `std::forward` to `t`. This enables NRVO, allowing the compiler to construct the return object directly in the caller’s memory.

NRVO in Action

Let’s take a closer look at how NRVO is applied in the following example:

class LargeObject {
  LargeObject() {
    std::cout << "LargeObject constructed" << std::endl;
  LargeObject(const LargeObject&) {
    std::cout << "LargeObject copied" << std::endl;
  LargeObject(LargeObject&&) {
    std::cout << "LargeObject moved" << std::endl;

template <typename T>
T foo(T&& t) {
  return std::forward<T>(t);

int main() {
  LargeObject obj;
  LargeObject result = foo(obj);
  return 0;

In this example, we define a `LargeObject` class with constructors that print messages to the console. We then define the `foo` template function, which takes a single argument `t` of type `T` and returns the result of applying `std::forward` to `t`.

In the `main` function, we create a `LargeObject` instance and pass it to the `foo` function. The compiler applies NRVO, constructing the return object directly in the caller’s memory.

The output of this program would be:

LargeObject constructed

Notice that there is no copy or move constructor call, as the compiler has applied NRVO to eliminate the temporary object.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When enabling NRVO with template functions, there are some common pitfalls to avoid:

  • Avoid unnecessary copying: Make sure to use `std::forward` to preserve the value category of the argument. This ensures that the compiler can correctly deduce the return type.
  • Don’t use unnecessary temporary objects: Avoid creating unnecessary temporary objects, as this can defeat the purpose of NRVO.
  • Be mindful of function return types: Ensure that the return type of the template function is correctly deduced, allowing the compiler to apply NRVO.


Enabling Named Return Value Optimization (NRVO) when forwarding a function’s result via a template function is a powerful technique for optimizing your code. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can unlock the full potential of NRVO, resulting in faster execution times, more readable code, and improved maintainability.

Remember to use template functions, apply `std::forward` to preserve the value category of the argument, and return the result of applying `std::forward`. By avoiding common pitfalls and following best practices, you can harness the power of NRVO to take your code to the next level.

Term Definition
NRVO Named Return Value Optimization, a compiler optimization technique that eliminates temporary objects when returning objects from functions
`std::forward` A utility function that helps preserve the value category (lvalue or rvalue) of its argument
Template Function A function that takes a type parameter, allowing the compiler to correctly deduce the return type

By applying the techniques outlined in this article, you can unlock the full potential of NRVO and take your C++ development skills to the next level.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

In the world of C++ programming, template functions can be a powerful tool for reusing code and promoting genericity. However, when it comes to forwarding a function’s result via a template function, things can get a bit tricky. In this FAQ, we’ll dive into the world of NRVO (Named Return Value Optimization) and explore how to enable it when forwarding a function’s result via a template function.

What is NRVO, and why is it important in C++?

NRVO, or Named Return Value Optimization, is a compiler optimization technique that allows the compiler to eliminate the temporary object created when returning an object from a function. This optimization is important because it can significantly reduce the overhead of returning objects from functions, making your code more efficient and improving performance.

How does NRVO work when returning an object from a function?

When a function returns an object, the compiler creates a temporary object to hold the return value. With NRVO, the compiler can optimize this process by reusing the memory of the named return value, eliminating the need for a temporary object. This optimization is only possible when the return statement names the return value explicitly.

Why doesn’t NRVO work when forwarding a function’s result via a template function?

When forwarding a function’s result via a template function, the return statement is often implemented using the `std::forward` function, which prevents the compiler from applying NRVO. This is because the compiler cannot determine the type of the return value at compile-time, making it impossible to apply the optimization.

How can I enable NRVO when forwarding a function’s result via a template function?

To enable NRVO when forwarding a function’s result via a template function, you can use a technique called “direct return”. This involves using a direct return statement with the named return value, allowing the compiler to apply NRVO. For example, instead of `return std::forward/result;`, use `return result;` to enable NRVO.

What are some best practices for using template functions and NRVO in C++?

When using template functions and NRVO, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure optimal performance and code quality. Some best practices include using direct return statements, avoiding unnecessary copies, and using `std::move` or `std::forward` judiciously. Additionally, always compile your code with optimization flags enabled to allow the compiler to apply NRVO and other optimizations.