Fixing the “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” Vulnerability in Node:Alpine for Next.js Applications
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Fixing the “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” Vulnerability in Node:Alpine for Next.js Applications

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If you’re a Next.js developer using Node:Alpine as your base image, you might have received a security notification about the “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” vulnerability. Don’t panic! In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of fixing this vulnerability and securing your application.

What is the “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” vulnerability?

The “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” vulnerability is a security flaw in the BusyBox utility, which is used in various Linux distributions, including Alpine Linux. BusyBox is a software package that provides a full-fledged Linux filesystem, including a shell, utilities, and more.

The vulnerability occurs when an attacker sends a specially crafted input to the BusyBox `unarchive` command, which can lead to a use-after-free condition. This can result in arbitrary code execution, allowing attackers to take control of your system.

Why is this vulnerability a concern for Next.js applications?

As a Next.js developer, you might be wondering why this vulnerability affects your application. The reason is that Node:Alpine, a popular base image for Next.js applications, includes BusyBox. When you use Node:Alpine as your base image, you inherit the vulnerabilities associated with it, including the “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” vulnerability.

How to fix the “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” vulnerability in Node:Alpine

Fortunately, fixing this vulnerability is relatively straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you secure your Next.js application:

Step 1: Update Node:Alpine to the latest version

The first step is to update Node:Alpine to the latest version, which includes the patched BusyBox utility. You can do this by modifying your `Dockerfile`:

FROM node:alpine

# Update Node:Alpine to the latest version
RUN apk update && apk upgrade

This will update Node:Alpine to the latest version, which includes the patched BusyBox utility.

Step 2: Pin BusyBox to a specific version

To ensure that you’re using a specific version of BusyBox that’s not vulnerable to the “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” vulnerability, you can pin BusyBox to a specific version:

FROM node:alpine

# Pin BusyBox to version 1.35.0-r1
RUN apk add busybox=1.35.0-r1

This will install a specific version of BusyBox that’s not vulnerable to the vulnerability.

Step 3: Verify the BusyBox version

After updating Node:Alpine and pinning BusyBox to a specific version, you should verify that the correct version of BusyBox is installed:

FROM node:alpine

# Verify the BusyBox version
RUN busybox --version

This will display the version of BusyBox installed in your Node:Alpine image.

Additional security recommendations

While fixing the “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” vulnerability is essential, it’s also important to follow best practices for securing your Next.js application:

  • Use a recent version of Node.js: Ensure you’re using a recent version of Node.js, as older versions may contain security vulnerabilities.

  • Use a secure base image: Consider using a secure base image, such as `node:alpine3.15`, which includes additional security patches.

  • Keep your dependencies up-to-date: Regularly update your dependencies to ensure you’re using the latest versions, which often include security patches.

  • Implement access controls: Implement access controls, such as Docker Compose or Kubernetes, to limit access to your application.


Fixing the “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” vulnerability in Node:Alpine for your Next.js application is a relatively straightforward process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure your application is secure and protected from this vulnerability.

Remember to stay vigilant and keep your dependencies up-to-date to prevent future security vulnerabilities. Happy coding!

Version Vulnerability Status
BusyBox 1.35.0-r1 Not vulnerable
BusyBox 1.34.1-r1 Vulnerable

In this article, we’ve covered the “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” vulnerability and provided step-by-step instructions to fix it in Node:Alpine for Next.js applications. By following these instructions and implementing additional security recommendations, you can ensure your application is secure and protected from this vulnerability.

Don’t leave your application vulnerable to security threats. Take action today and fix the “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” vulnerability in Node:Alpine.


Q: What is the “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” vulnerability?

A: The “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” vulnerability is a security flaw in the BusyBox utility that can lead to arbitrary code execution.

Q: How do I fix the “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” vulnerability in Node:Alpine?

A: You can fix the vulnerability by updating Node:Alpine to the latest version, pinning BusyBox to a specific version, and verifying the BusyBox version.

Q: Is the “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” vulnerability only affecting Node:Alpine?

A: No, the vulnerability affects any Linux distribution that uses BusyBox, including Alpine Linux.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about fixing the “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” vulnerability in node:alpine for your Next.js application.

What is the “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” vulnerability, and how does it affect my Next.js application?

The “CVE-2023-42364 busybox/busybox Use After Free” vulnerability is a bug in the busybox package that allows an attacker to perform a use-after-free attack, potentially leading to arbitrary code execution. This vulnerability affects your Next.js application if you’re using the node:alpine base image, which includes the vulnerable busybox package.

How do I check if my Next.js application is vulnerable to CVE-2023-42364?

You can check if your Next.js application is vulnerable to CVE-2023-42364 by running the command `docker image inspect –format ‘{{.Config.Volumes}}’ node:alpine` in your terminal. If the output includes the `busybox` package, your application is likely vulnerable.

What is the recommended fix for CVE-2023-42364 in node:alpine for my Next.js application?

The recommended fix is to update your `Dockerfile` to use a newer version of the busybox package that includes the security patch. You can do this by adding the line `RUN apk add –no-cache busybox=1.35.0-r1` to your `Dockerfile`.

Are there any other security measures I should take to protect my Next.js application from similar vulnerabilities?

Yes, it’s essential to regularly update your dependencies and base images to ensure you have the latest security patches. You should also implement a vulnerability scanning tool, such as Snyk or Clair, to detect potential security issues in your application.

How can I verify that the fix has been applied successfully to my Next.js application?

To verify that the fix has been applied successfully, you can run the command `docker image inspect –format ‘{{.Config.Volumes}}’ node:alpine` again and check that the output no longer includes the vulnerable busybox package. You can also use a vulnerability scanning tool to scan your application and ensure that the CVE-2023-42364 vulnerability is no longer detected.

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